
  1. Hi my name is Lana.
  2. I am nine years old.
  3. My birthday is on December 5.
  4. I am from Armenia.
  5. I live in Yerevan.
  6. There are 4 people in my family.
  7. They are uncle, mother, grandmother and me.
  8. My father is a 35.
  9. My mother is a 33.
  10. I am a student at school.
  11. My favorite subject is Armenian language.
  12. My favorite sport is swimming.
  13. I want to become a singer.
  14. My hobby is dancing.
  15. My favorite food is burger.
  16. My favorite drink is water.
  17. My favorite day of the week is Monday.
  18. I like the Beauty and the Beast.
  19. My favorite month is December.
  20. The most beautiful place in my country is Dream garden


Спишите, соедините стрелками слова в словосочетания. Устно
составьте с ними предложения.

прекрасный день
ласковая собака
злой  хозяин
длинная дорога
умные глаза

Подберите и запишите слова с противоположным значением:
сильный — слабый, тёплый — холодный, сухой — мокрый,  маленький —большой,
северный —  южный, светлый — темный, , громкий — тихий, злой —добрый.